
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bus Strike Week #5

5 weeks later and yes the bus union is still on strike. I don't even feel angry anymore, all I can do is laugh at the union for how childish they are behaving. Every offer the city has put on the table the union has declined.  The city keeps changing their offers to make the union happy but the union will not budge on what they want. So in a nutshell the union is acting like a brat at a toy store stomping their feet screaming "I WANT IT" and throwing a hissy fit without trying to listen or reason with the parent.

Besides the child like attitude of "Gimme gimme" they are now acting out by pulling stupid stunts like blocking the city snow plows after a snowfall. Why? So that they can get the city's attention and gain support. Hmm...let's look at this again. So you stand in front of the city's plows and block them as they are leaving the depot to plow the streets before morning rush hour traffic, and now the roads are unsafe and you think this will gain you support? What do snowplows have to do with a transit strike?? And don't forget that these are the people making more money than most University graduates! How can you not laugh at this strike!

I also read 2 weeks ago that the media was interviewing the head of the union and asked him if he was going to be going back in to continue talks that day. He said " I'll leave that to the adults to discuss". Wait....so if he called the city and other union reps adults, then did he just call himself a child? Either way ,for a union leader, that comment made no sense and probably did very little to gain support.

So that's my little update on the Bus Strike! Oh and I am developing killer legs walking to work everyday!

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