Normally the ferry ride to work is not very exciting. It's relaxing and beautiful, but you don't normally see weird stuff. But the bus ride to the ferry can fun which is where i first laid eyes on Pin head.Well this week we have a new addition to the ferry bus, Chatterbox.
I got on a fairly empty bus, and sat on one of the seats the runs parallel with the aisle. Across from me was this lady chatting away! 3 seats down from her was another lady reading a paper who did not seem one bit itnerested in what Chatterbox was saying so i figured she was not the one she was talking to. Chatterbox continues talking but at the same time she was looking at the ceiling with her eyes rolled halfway into the back of her head, and just kept moving her head from side to side. Okay now i am starting to question her sobriety. She's now asking questions in her conversation but the hell is she talking to? No one is sitting beside her and no one is really paying attention to her either. She looks past the lady sitting 3 seats down and randomly asks if they (whoever they is...) still ahve her number. A guy sitting a few seats down from 3 seat down lady looks at Chatterbox and grumbles "do you ever stop talking?". Chatterbox asks again about the number and he just rolls eyes, shakes his head and looks away. Maybe he has been on the bus for awhile with her and getting sick of it. Who knows! And she keeps talking. I'm trying not to laugh at this point because i really cannot figure out if the guy knows her or not because she seems very interested in him. She continues talking to him (even though he is a good 3 meters away from her) and he just shakes his head and asks her to shut up. I look down at her feet and she has with her a blue recycable bag which has 2 rolls of toilet paper and slippers in it. I think it's safe to assume Chatterbox is not all there in the head.
One last thing, on the way home that same day on the ferry, as we were crossing our Harbour i saw something black bobbing up & down in the water. It was a seal!! Yeah it made my day :)
Happy Friday everyone!
She did not have a blue tooth?............that has suprised me more than 1ce! Lol! :)